

Frequently asked questions

Here you can find answers to the most asked questions regarding translations, interpreting and language training. Your question is not answered here? We are happy to answer it personally - just contact us.


Processing time and price

Billing is based on the length of the text, but the topic as well as urgency also need to be considered here. An experienced translator can process approx. 200 standard lines, 2,000 words respectively, per day. This includes sufficient time for research, questions and breaks.

If we can draw on existing terminology, this very often speeds up processes and we can offer attractive fixed prices.

...this is a crucial investment in the quality of YOUR communication's translation. You can take advantage of our tailor-made services in collaboration with highly qualified and specialized translators from all over Europe exceeding the quality standards of pure 'online translations' by far.

Certified translators/interpreters in Saxony or translators/interpreters recognized with authorities

The terms 'certified', 'public appointment', and 'sworn in' translators or interpreters basically all refer to the same form of qualification. Different expressions might be used in different parts of Germany.
In Saxony, it is common to refer to translators/interpreters as 'officially appointed'. This process is described in and ruled under Sächsische Dolmetschergesetz. The requirements are extremely high and every single candidate must meet the following criteria:

“ ...§ 2 Preconditions for public appointment
(1) A person can apply for public appointment as a translator/interpreter/sign language interpreter if the person:

  1. is a German citizen or citizen of any other member state of the European Union, or whose permanent residence is in Saxony, or whose place of professional establishment is in Saxony.
  2. is of full age.
  3. displays the personal reliability and
  4. provided sufficient proof of their professional competence.
    (2) The required personal reliability cannot be deemed as given if... .“

Certified copies of your documents

You can get certified copies at the Zwickau 'Bürgerbüro' - Hauptmarkt 1. Should you have any questions or require more information please contact the 'Bürgerservice' via telephone (phone: +49 375 830).

Required documents

  • ID or passport
  • original document (copies are made by the admin staff)


  • costs incur in accordance with the "statutes of the city of Zwickau"
  • certification of copies per document (regardless of the number of pages): 2,60 € (at least 5,00 €)
  • certifications of signatures and hand signals: 5,00 - 50,00 €

What can be certified?

  • all copies of certificates or documents that have been issued by the city of Zwickau (exception: certificates of vital records);
  • all copies of certificates and documents, that have been issued by any other German public authority;
  • all copies and documents, that are required for submission by German authorities. For international documents it is required to add a certified translation by an officially appointed translator from Germany;
  • signatures if the document is required by a German authority (the signature needs to be executed in person in the presence of an administration employee).

What cannot be certified?

  • documents and certificates, whose certification is by statutory order reserved for other authorities only (e. g., certificates of birth or marriage);
  • documents, whose original versions display any forms of changes;
  • documents and signatures, that require public certification for certain legal acts (e. g., testaments, land registrations);
  • signatures without text;
  • international certificates, that are not required for submission by German authorities;
  • international certificates, that do not have a certified translation by a translator who was officially appointed in Germany attached to them;

Stadt Zwickau

Is there a DTP or OCR service?

DTP service – desktop publishing service

A translated document can be longer or sometimes shorter than the (German) original version. However, you will receive your translation back in the same format/layout as the original version. Some formats can be exported or imported with the help of translation tools, other translations need adjustment by our formatting team to fit the original layout and design.
We will always give our best to reduce the time and effort you have to put in.

Just contact us – we will be happy to talk about your next project with you!

OCR service – optical character recognition

We can implement optical character or text recognition from pictures or your PDF-files through the use of modern software. Thus, you will receive your translation as a processable text.

Terminology work in translation tools

The entity of all terms in a specific field of business or science e. g., automotive industry, medical engineering, laser technology, machine engineering, is called terminology.

This specific terminology can only be used efficiently in a field of business or a company if it is saved and consistently used.

To achieve such consistency, terminology management software such as: SDL Trados, memoQ, Across can be very helpful, to only mention a few. You can rely on us to always collaborate with the same translator for all of your projects, who will always use the same terminology from the database, but also the same style of communication once you have approved it. In the long run this can result in very attractive prices for translations due to the existing terminology database for your business.

Our quality standards according to DIN EN ISO 17100

This ISO norm rules and defines the processes and quality standards for translation services. This includes procedures in quality management, the education, and supplementary training for project staff: project manager<-> translator, so that the result will always be a high-quality translation. We have operated according to these rules and processes for more than 13 years. You can contact us anytime, we are happy to send you degrees and certificates of our team.

more information:

What is the difference between an apostil/legislation for the original document and the signature/certification by the translator?


Is a simplified form of confirming the authenticity of a document if you need to submit the document abroad (e. g., marriage certificate, certificate of birth, certificate of conduct, certificate of registration...)

The issuing authority, in most cases District Courts, County Courts, and Civil Registry Offices, can confirm the authenticity of a document with an apostil.

This applies only to the target countries that have agreed to the Hague Convention abolishing the Requirement for Legislation of Foreign Public Documents.

You can find more information here.


For those countries that are not part of the Hague Convention the following procedure applies: The authenticity of the respective document is certified by the responsible consular mission of the country in the issuing country (Legislation). The requirements regarding supplementary or final authentication vary for different countries.

Confirmation/Certification of the translator's signature

For both methods, to prove the authenticity of your document, the target country might require an additional proof for the fact that the respective translator is really officially appointed in Germany. We can take care of that for you. Our translators translate and certify your document as well as the apostil or legislation. After that, the documents will be sent to the responsible District Court or Higher Regional Court that appointed the respective translator, the documents will be certified again and then sent back to our office or directly to you.

Language Training

Will I get a certificate after the completion of my course?

At the end of your language course you will receive a PSi-certificate stating the language level you have achieved according to the Common European Framework of Levels for Languages.

In case you should require an officially recognized certificate, you can get one at our PSi test center - TOEIC and TOEFL for English, WiDaf for German.

Is there a fixed course program?

No, there is not. We organize every single course according to the needs of our customers. There are no standard courses. Following your inquiry, we will discuss your personal course targets with you, your skill level, and preferred course content.

Will I spend all my course lessons with the same teacher?

Yes. We will choose a teacher suitable for your learner type and the course content. This teacher will then accompany you along your way through your language training.

Can I attend a PSi language course during the Corona pandemic?

Yes, we continue to offer our services. You can inquire about courses via email, phone, or contact form as usual. We would be glad to talk about your course (if you like online in a personal video chat).

Seize the opportunity for an online course, no matter if you prefer individual, or group courses, from work, or from home! We would be happy to find the best solution together with you.

What will I need for my online language training?

You will need your computer, laptop, or even just a smartphone with their video and audio (camera and microphone) functions turned on and a connection to the internet.

We would be happy to assist you with technical questions, and we are sure a free test lesson will convince you of all the advantages of learning online.

What exactly is the European Framework of Reference?

The Common European Framework for Languages has been developed to evaluate speakers' language skills or the progress made in learning foreign languages. It is intended to make different types of European language certificates comparable to each other and to define specific criteria to measure learning progress in a second or third language.

The framework consists of 6 different stages ranging from A1 (elementary) to C2 (proficient).

You can find a more detailed description of the different levels here

What if I need to cancel my class at short notice?

Your teacher always reserves the agreed-upon course time for you and will not be able to accept other jobs then. Thus, the regular provision of language courses is important to us. However, should something come up and you cannot attend your course, we will always try to find an alternative date for you. PSi should preferably receive cancellations 24hrs before the scheduled class. The complete course fee will be charged in case of late cancellations or no cancellations.

What sort of course material will I need?

You will receive a course folder and all course materials from PSi.

If you would like to use a course book for your language training, we or your teacher can make recommendations or assist you in finding the best material for you. After you've chosen the perfect materials, we would be happy to order them for you. There are a lot of digital materials as well which are ideal for the use in online language training.

How long is the notice period?

If you would like to end your course, please inform PSi four weeks in advance. You can submit your termination to PSi (not your teacher) in writing via mail or email.

How long will my course be?

It is up to you how long you would like your course to last. Our teachers can make recommendations regarding course duration depending on your skills and target.

How and when will I pay for my course?

You will receive an invoice at the end of each month charging you for the lessons you have actually attended. These bills are always based on the attendance list you will have signed at the end of every lesson.

You can settle the invoiced amount by bank transfer.

How many teaching units will I need?

It is very hard to give a general answer to this question. The number of units or lessons depends on various individual factors such as:

  • What is your skill level at the beginning of your course and what would you like to achieve?
  • Are you able to take classes regularly or only from time to time?
  • Are you dealing with the new language outside the classroom too or only during lessons?
  • What type of learner are you?

However, the following figures can give you an idea:

A1: 80 up to 200 teaching units, 45 min each.
A2: 200 up to 350 teaching units, 45 min each.
B1: 350 up to 650 teaching units, 45 min each.
B2: 600 up to 800 teaching units, 45 min each.
C1: 800 up to 1,000 teaching units, 45 min each.
C2: at least 1,000 teaching units, 45 minutes each.

You can always talk about your goals with your teacher and they will help you make a realistic timeline. Your advantage: with PSi you do not need to book a fixed number of teaching units, but you can flexibly decide how long you would like to learn and make progress.

Where and when will my language course take place?

Where? You decide whether you would like to learn at your work place or your house.

When? You will decide what the best time for your course is. You can agree on the best date for you directly with your teacher. Flexible arrangements are always possible.

Get in touch!